Researchers discover stem cells in optic nerve that preserve visionResearchers discover stem cells in optic nerve that preserve vision
Finding may lead to new therapeutic strategy for disorders causing blindness Source:University of Maryland School of MedicineSummary:Researchers have for the first time identified stem cells in the region of the optic nerve, which transmits signals from the eye to the brain. The finding presents a new theory on why the most common form of glaucoma may develop and provides potential to treat a leading cause of blindness. How airway cells work together in regeneration and aging
Date:July 27, 2020 Source:University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences Summary:Researchers have identified the process by which stem cells in the airways of the lungs switch between two distinct phases -- creating more of themselves and producing mature airway cells -- to regenerate lung tissue after an injury. 'Self-eating' process of stem cells may be the key to new regenerative therapies
New roles of autophagy in stem cell renewal and differentiation uncovered Source:University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Summary:The self-eating process in embryonic stem cells known as chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) and a related metabolite may serve as promising new therapeutic targets to repair or regenerate damaged cells and organs, researchers show. Skin stem cells shuffle sugars as they age
Source: University of Tsukuba Summary: Researchers have shown by in vitro experimentation that changes of glycans in mouse epidermal stem cells may serve as a biomarker of aging. Further, by overexpression of specific glycogenes in mouse keratinocytes, they replicated the glycome profile of aging cells as well as their decreased proliferation ability. These findings hold promise for stem cell research into skin disorders, specifically senile degeneration, wound healing and skin cancer. New clues from fruit flies about the critical role of sex hormones in stem cell control
Source: Huntsman Cancer Institute Summary:In one of the first studies addressing the role of sex hormones' impact on stem cells in the gut, scientists outline new insights showing how a steroidal sex hormone, ecdysone, drastically alters the way intestinal stem cells behave, ultimately affecting the overarching structure and function of this critical organ. RNA key in helping stem cells know what to become
Findings could lead to new therapies for cancer, heart abnormalities Source: University of Colorado at Boulder Summary:If every cell has the same genetic blueprint, why does an eye cell look and act so differently than a brain cell or skin cell? In a new study, researchers come one step closer to solving this mystery, showing RNA plays a critical role. Epigenética: o que o embrião pode nos ensinar sobre a reprogramação celular
Epigenetics: What the embryo can teach us about cell reprogramming Source: Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health Summary:Cell reprogramming provides an outstanding opportunity for the artificial generation of stem cells for regenerative medicine approaches in the clinic. As current cell reprogramming methods are low in efficiency, researchers around the globe aim to learn lessons from the early embryo which might lead them to a more efficient and faster generation of high-quality, fully reprogrammed stem cells. Ordem a partir do ruído: como a aleatoriedade e a dinâmica coletiva definem uma célula-tronco7/6/2020
Order from noise: How randomness and collective dynamics define a stem cell
Collective cell dynamics could define stem cells identity, number, and dynamics Source: Institute of Science and Technology Austria Summary:Without stem cells, human life would not exist. Due to them, a lump of cells becomes an organ, and a fertilized egg develops into a baby. But what actually makes a stem cell? Are these a stable population of specially gifted cells? Scientists discovered that instead, stem cells might emerge due to the collective behavior of cells within the organs. Getting a grasp on India's malaria burden
A method that involves infecting liver cells with mosquito-bred parasites could improve the study of malaria in India Source: Kyoto University Summary: A new approach could illuminate a critical stage in the life cycle of one of the most common malaria parasites. COVID-19: Study shows virus can infect heart cells in lab dish
Research uses stem cell technology to learn how coronavirus may directly attack heart muscle Date:June 30, 2020 Source:Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Summary:A new study shows that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (coronavirus), can infect heart cells in a lab dish, indicating it may be possible for heart cells in COVID-19 patients to be directly infected by the virus. |
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July 2020
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